

Saturday, 20 March 2010

A NATURAL TALENT? I think so... Do you?

Comic strip for Valentine's day - Vignetta per San Valentino

Here are a few works by my daughter Chiara--- aged 16, and born "with a pencil in her hand" and a delightful sense of humour up her sleeve. I am thinking she deserves to have her own Etsy space, and toying with the idea of setting up shop for her. What do YOU think?

Ecco alcune opere di mia figlia Chiara. Età 16 anni, nata "con la matita in mano", ed una buona dose di ironia in zucca. Sto pensando che si merita uno spazio Etsy tutto suo, e forse allestirò uno shop tutto per lei. Voi che cosa ne pensate?

Doodle done by Chiara on the back of my diary whilst waiting for me - Scarabocchietto fatto da Chiara sul retro della mia agenda mentre mi aspettava

Notebooks drawn and designed by Chiara - Quaderni disegnati da Chiara
I built a website especially for her a couple of years ago:


  1. wow, so beautiful!!! congrats to Chiara ^_^

  2. She does lovely work. I am sure she has a great future as an artist.

  3. You have a very talented daughter!

  4. These drawings look amazing! Congrats!

  5. Oh yes! I think you should open a shop for her....immediately!!!

  6. Thank you my dear fellow-craftspeople, for your feedback. I'll let you know when the shop is ready! In fact I already put one up--- but haven't yet listed anything for her so far. Will let you know.


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